
Art Gallery
Dance Studio
Art Room
Music Room

Dance Studio
Our dance studio can be used to teach dance, movement, and health classes of any kind!

Art Room
This art room can be used to teach community art classes or for anything art-related.

New Addition!
Our new 3,500sqft addition contains two spacious classrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, and a large porch for any activity! Come host barbecues, graduation parties, birthday parties, or any other event!

Music Room
This music room can be utilized for music lessons and as a practice space. There is a full size weighted key electric piano as well as several guitars and an electric drum kit.

Art Gallery
Come be a part of our Art Gallery! Artists in our gallery are displayed for up to three months and are able to host an opening reception where they can sell and show their work. Contact if interested in displaying your work.

Come host productions of any kind at the Cobblestone Theater! Seating and tech information is linked below.